Simple Guard Monitoring:
Are your guards doing what you pay them to do? Magtouch systems helps you monitor your security, safety and maintenance routes. Effective patroling ensures maximum protection of your assets, by maintaining full coverage of your site with a visual security guard profile. Disputes with regards to patrol shortcomings are easily identified and resolved.
Maintenance Monitoring:
By mounting ID points to any object, you can obtain immediate reports of what has been checked, on which day and at what time. Furthermore, such reports are useful for the purpose of asset and inventory recording and managment. Updating of asset registers becomes a quick and effortless task.
Time & Attendance System:
Magtouch provides you with an inexpensive portable time and attendance system for use in remote areas such as construction sites etc. ID points on your personal ID cards or badges will record start and finish times at work.
Extra Purchases:
Magtouch makes it easy for you to expand by selling batons and points individually. You can purchase extra units as you need them.
Easy Upgrade:
The Magtouch Starter Kit is a cost effective system to start off with. This system can be upgraded to an online system by purchasing a Mag Express unit. which will allow you to check up on your guards from anywhere at anytime, as long as you have an internet connection.
Reporting System:
The Magtouch software allows for different reporting functionality – “Reports by Download” and the “Standard Report”. Both these types of reports are available in a Text file and PDF file format
If you would like to view examples of these reports or understand how they work, please click through to our Sample Report page. |